Video Gallery | Anolis lizards of Ecuador
Each of the boxes below provides the title of a video.
Click on the videos you wish to see and press
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(Playlists of 6 or less work best)
A. aequatorialis
A. binotatus
A. biporcatus
A. chloris
A. chocorum
A. fasciatus
A. fitchi
A. fraseri
A. fuscoauratus
A. gemosus
A. gracilipes
A. lyra
A. maculiventris
A. orcesi
A. ortonii
A. otongae
A. pariis
A. peraccae
A. podocarpus
A. poei
A. princeps
A. proboscis
A. scypheus
A. soinii
A. sp nov*
A. trachyderma
A. transversalis
* Anolis sp nov (Province: Zamora Chinchipe)
These brief clips were filmed by Andrea Narvaez during the course of her PhD research
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